100 Best Weed Quotes of All Time - Weediom (2024)

Throughout history there have been countless musicians, artists, advocates, politicians, and others that have spoken to the truths and injustices of cannabis prohibition as well as the plant itself.

From our founding fathers to famed celebrity influencers, the list of cannabis quotes that have touched lives throughout the years is almost endless.

Whether you are looking for inspiration, humor, or new heights of elevation, the list of 100 cannabis quotes below (listed in no particular order) are bound to have what you are looking for.

What are some of your favorite cannabis quotes? Did they make the list below? Let us know in the comments and we hope you enjoy!

100 Best Weed Quotes of All Time - Weediom (1)

I don’t think [pot] is more dangerous than alcohol. Barack Obama

If you substitute marijuana for tobacco and alcohol, you’ll add eight to 24 years to your life. Jack Herer

(Marijuana users) are leaders of our community these law just don’t make sense It is time for politician to come out closet. Gavin Newsom

[Marijuana] doesn’t have a high potential for abuse, and there are very legitimate medical applications. In fact, sometimes marijuana is the only thing that works. Dr. Sanjay Gupta

“A marijuana high can enhance core human mental abilities.” ― Sebastian Marincolo

“Don’t kill the high because you are low, Don’t.”

“People say you can abuse marijuana. You can abuse cheeseburgers. Does that mean we should close Burger Kings.” – Joe Rogan

“Prison is for rapists, thieves, and murderers. If you lock someone up for smoking a plant that makes them happy, then you’re the f*cking criminal.”

“Struggle is the enemy, but weed is the remedy.”

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“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.” ― Bob Marley

“Why is marijuana against the law. It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn’t the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit … unnatural” ― Bill Hicks

A Joint A Day Keeps The Bad Mood Away.

By regulating marijuana, we can put black market drug dealers out of business and eliminate the rebellious allure that attracts young people. Sal Albanese

Don’t judge someone until you have shared a joint with them.

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Everything Is Better With A Bag Of Weed.

Everything’s better when you’re high.

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High people understand other high people. They catch things that others don’t.

I don’t have time to hate people who hate weed, cause I’m too busy smoking with people who love weed.

I don’t smoke weed to escape reality, I smoke weed to enjoy reality even more.

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I find it quite ironic that the most dangerous thing about weed is getting caught with it. Bill Murray

I have always loved marijuana. It has been a source of joy and comfort to me for many years. And I still think of it as a basic staple of life, along with beer and ice and grapefruits. – Hunter S. Thompson

I know you’re supposed to tell kids not to do drugs, but, kids, do it! Do weed! Don’t do the other stuff, but weed is good. Kevin Smith

If somebody gives me a joint, I might smoke it, but I don’t go after it. John Lennon

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If you want to smoke marijuana in your basem*nt, I don’t care! I’m not going to get a search warrant and kick your door in. I think that’s foolish. Bill O’Reilly

Is marijuana addictive. Yes, in the sense that most of the really pleasant things in life are worth endlessly repeating.

It really puzzles me to see marijuana connected with narcotics… dope and all that crap. It’s a thousand times better than whiskey – it’s an assistant – a friend. —Louis Armstrong

Let us burn one from end to end, and pass it over to me my friend… Ben Harper

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Smoke the marijuana and get high. Stay above the wicked and fly. Snoop Dogg

Smoking weed doesn’t make you paranoid. Weed being illegal makes you paranoid.

Smoking weed doesn’t ruin your life, that’s all on you. If you can’t manage smoking weed and having a successful life, that’s your problem.

Stoners are some of the coolest people you’ll ever meet.

Stress can pull you down, but weed can lift you right back up.

The only difference between a #lower and a weed is a judgment.

The only serious side-effect of marijuana is that you might get arrested. – Alan watts

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The weed is rolled, the drink is cold, for you its new for me its old.

They’ve outlawed the No. 1 vegetable on the planet. Timothy Leary

To make marijuana against the law is like saying God made a big mistake. Bill Hicks

Weed is not a drug, it’s a plant. Therefore, I’m not a drug dealer, I’m a florist.

Weed is the question, yes is the answer.

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Weed makes me feel the way I need to feel. Snoop Dogg

When I first started smoking weed, I told myself that I would only smoke on special days..little did I know, everyday is a special day.

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When in doubt, smoke it out.

Whoever laughs last, is probably the most stoned.

You know you’re a stoner when your friends make you a Bob Marley cake. Miley Cyrus

So when he asked about getting high, I didn’t think, I agreed. We smoked some good California green. Took three tries to put me in the place he said I should be. ― Ellen Hopkins

Marijuana enhances our mind in a way that enables us to take a different perspective from ‘high up’, to see and evaluate our own lives and the lives of others in a privileged way. Maybe this euphoric and elevating feeling of the ability to step outside the box and to look at life’s patterns from this high perspective is the inspiration behind the slang term “high” itself. ― Sebastian Marincolo

Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn’t the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit . . . unnatural? ― Bill Hicks

We all need something to help us unwind at the end of the day. You might have a glass of wine, or a joint, or a big delicious blob of heroin to silence your silly brainbox of its witterings but there has to be some form of punctuation, or life just seems utterly relentless. ― Russell Brand, My Booky Wook

Alcohol and marijuana, if used in moderation, plus loud, usually low-class music, make stress and boredom infinitely more bearable. —Kurt Vonnegut

That is not a drug, it’s a leaf. —Arnold Schwarzenegger

If you ain’t got a good job and you ain’t smokin’ weed, then I don’t know what the f*ck you are doin’ wit your life. —Katt Williams

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I’m not a great pothead or anything like that… but weed is much, much less dangerous than alcohol. Johnny Depp

I definitely believe marijuana helps with menstruation. Since I started smoking pot, my girlfriend’s period has become painless for me. —Randy Kagan

Make the most you can of the Indian Hemp seed and sow it everywhere. — George Washington

Please don’t throw your sh*t at me…unless that sh*t resembles a bag of marijuana. — Les Claypool

So what if I’m smoking weed onstage and doing what I gotta do? It’s not me shooting nobody, stabbing nobody, killing nobody. It’s a peaceful gesture and they have to respect that and appreciate that. – Snoop Dogg

I hope they legalize marijuana and when they do I’ll be the first f*cking person in line to buy my pack of joints. – Megan Fox

I used to smoke marijuana. But I’ll tell you something: I would only smoke it in the late evening. Oh, occasionally the early evening, but usually the late evening – or the mid-evening. Just the early evening, mid-evening and late evening. Occasionally, early afternoon, early midafternoon, or perhaps the late-mid-afternoon. Oh, sometimes the early-mid-late-early morning… But never at dusk. – Steve Martin

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Of course I know how to roll a joint. Martha Stewart

Smoking helped put me in touch with the realm of the senses. – Hugh Hefner

Some of my finest hours have been spent on my back veranda, smoking hemp and observing as far as my eye can see. Thomas Jefferson

If somebody’s gonna smoke a joint… And not do anybody else any harm… Then perhaps there are other things that our cops should be looking at. – Sarah Palin

The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps to produce serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world. – Carl Sagan

I will Never give up the Ganja – God’s own weed – Morgan Freeman

Even if one takes every reefer madness allegation of the prohibitionists at face value, marijuana prohibition has done far more harm to far more people than marijuana ever could. – William F. Buckley Jr

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What is a weed. A plant whose virtues have never been discovered. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Ralph Waldo Emerson

It is beyond my comprehension that any humane person would withhold such a beneficial substance from people in such great need simply because others use it for different purposes. – Steven Gould

I’ve known enough drug users–going as far back as grade school and the streets of New York–not to view them as pariahs or lost souls. I’ve certainly smoked more than my quota of weed. – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

I think that marijuana should not only be legal, I think it should be a cottage industry. It would be wonderful for the state of Maine. There’s some pretty good homegrown dope. I’m sure it would be even better if you could grow it with fertilizers and have greenhouses. – Stephen King

I apprehended the structure of certain pieces of jazz and classical music in a new manner under the influence of marijuana, and these apprehensions have remained valid in years of normal consciousness. – Allen Ginsberg

I wake up early in the morning and it feels so good. Smoking on some sh*t that you wish you could. – Snoop Dogg

As a physician, I recommend nutritious hemp seeds and oil to anyone interested in maintaining a healthy diet. Everyone will benefit when American farmers can grow this amazing crop once again. – Andrew Weil, M.D.

When you smoke marijuana, you are in the moment and you are happy. You forget about any worries of the past or the future. – Tommy Chong

Smoking marijuana, as long as you leave the nicotine out of it, is certainly no more damaging than having a drink, and I suspect better for you than having a drink. – Richard Branson

Marijuana has killed far fewer people than swimming pools; it’s the war against it that does all the violence. – Lawrence Reed

I don’t do drugs, though. Just weed. Dave Chappelle

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Smoking weed doesn’t make you cool, but if you’re cool then you probably smoke weed.

Marijuana is a very dangerous drug. Some people smoke it just once and go directly into politics.- Barry Crimmins

The weed is for the people. It’s the people’s weed. – Jonah Hill

More than anything, the weed really helped with my mental state, because marijuana works on the brain. And if anything, it soothes the brain. – Tommy Chong

One’s condition on marijuana is always existential. One can feel the importance of each moment and how it is changing. – Norman Mailer

The greatest service that can be rendered to any country is to add a useful plant to its culture. – Thomas Jefferson

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It would be wryly interesting if in human history the cultivation of marijuana led generally to the invention of agriculture, and thereby to civilization.

Sativa to change the things I can, Indica to accept the things I can’t.

I got high, and forgot I wasn’t supposed to get high. – Ricky Williams

Marijuana may not be addictive, but growing it is. – Ed Rosenthal

Now everything you’ve heard is why, I, the actual owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club, will be dedicating all of my energy toward fighting for freedom and fairness, which begins with legalizing marijuana here in Alaska. And as for this job, well, not that I have a choice but, f*** it, I quit. – Charlo Greene

Marijuana can act as the loosening agent, so that whatever has been banned from consciousness may come cascading forth. To uncover our deceptions without our usual rationalizations can be unpleasant, an experience that has turned many psychologically fragile individuals away from marijuana despite its therapeutic catharsis. – Joan Bello

If organized religion is the opium of the masses, then disorganized religion is the marijuana of the lunatic fringe. -Kerry Wendell Thornley

Cannabis, just like morphine, has its usage in medicine. It’s unpardonable that authorities forbid sick people access to this medicament and in majesty of law permit to sell cigarettes. -Jerzy Vetulani

Some people have said that the aggressiveness that alcohol stimulates, and that is certainly the characteristic of alcohol, is consistent with Western values and Western culture, whereas, for example, the more introspective, meditative, reverie kind of state that marijuana produces, or opium produces, seems more consistent with some of the Eastern cultures than with Western cultures, and maybe some of our discomfort with those drugs has to do with that feeling that this is culturally out of sync with us. – Andrew Weil

As a source of illumination, ganga has become an instrument in the war against Babylon and Babylonian consciousness. Its use, therefore, plays a major role in the de-alienation and decolonization of the African mind. – Ennis Barrington Edmonds

In our culture, the Native Americans, when two strangers come together. You know what we do in our culture? We smoke the peace pipe. – Tatanka

The amount of money and of legal energy being given to prosecute hundreds of thousands of Americans who are caught with a few ounces of marijuana in their jeans simply makes no sense —the kindest way to put it. A sterner way to put it is that it is an outrage, an imposition on basic civil liberties and on the reasonable expenditure of social energy. — William F. Buckley Jr

The drug war is a total scam, prescription drugs kill 300K a year, while marijuana kills no one, but they spend billions/year ‘fighting’ it, because pot heads make for good little slaves to put into private prisons, owned by the banks who launder the drug money, and it’s ALL DOCUMENTED. — Alex E. Jones

Roll, roll, roll a joint and pass it down the line. Take a toke, inhale the smoke and blow your f*cking mind!

Next to making a proper omelette or wiping your own ass, rolling a joint is an essential life skill for any self-respecting member of society – Anthony Bourdain

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Smoking weed under star projectors. I guess we’ll never know what Harvard gets us.

They lie about marijuana, tell you pot-smoking makes you unmotivated. LIE! When you’re high, you can do everything you normally do, just as well. You just realize that it’s not worth the f*cking effort. There is a difference. -Bill Hicks

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[Marijuana prohibition] is just the stupidest law possible.. Just legalize it and tax it like we do liquor. Morgan Freeman
100 Best Weed Quotes of All Time - Weediom (2024)


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