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After celebrating a decade in Tampa Bay, Town ‘N’ Country’s popular Six Ten Brewing (7052 Benjamin Rd.) is emptying its kegs and closing its doors this weekend.
The local brewery—largely known for its wide variety of craft beers, regular event programming, and friendly hospitality—took to social media this week to announce the sale of its building and imminent closure of Six Ten.
“It is with mixed emotions that we announce the closing of our beloved brewery, as we have made the difficult decision to sell and allow another brewery to begin their journey,” Six Ten Brewing wrote on social media earlier this week. “From the first pint we poured to the countless celebrations, events and gatherings, every moment has been a life-changing experience for us. We are deeply grateful for the trust you placed in us, the feedback you shared, and the loyalty you showed.”
Six Ten's day last of service will be this Sunday, June 30.
Owners Leslie and Chris Johnson ditched their corporate jobs to open Six Ten Brewing in 2014, and quickly made a name for themselves in the local craft beer scene. In addition to an impressive "core beer" lineup of brews like the CBGB Berliner Weisse, TPA double IPA, Poco Loco Belgian Ale and Tent Beer Munich-style lager, Six Ten is also known for both its seasonal and specialty bottle drops.
Six Ten Brewing even snagged a gold medal at the 2021 Great American Beer Festival for its "Hold the Waffle" chocolate beer.
While it’s unsure what up-and-coming brewery is opening out of Six Ten’s former Town ‘N’ Country location, the Johnsons assure their customers that they can expect great service and brews from the newcomers.
“As we close this chapter, we want to assure you that the spirit of the brewery will live on in the hands of its new owners, who share a commitment to quality and community,” Six Ten Brewing’s closing announcement continues. “We have every confidence that they will continue to uphold the standards and traditions we have established over the years.”
Head to @SixTenBrewing on Facebook or Instagram for more information on the popular craft brewery. And if you’re planning a final trip to Six Ten this weekend, please remember to tip your bartenders.
For its final weekend of service, Six Ten Brewing is open from 3 p.m.-10 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 3 p.m.-8 p.m. on Sunday, June 30.
Location Details
Six Ten Brewing
7052 Benjamin Rd., Tampa
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