Insightintermediateworkbookanswerkey - insight Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press - Studeersnel (2024)

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Teaching English as a foreign language Leidse Onderwijsinstellingen Reacties Andere studenten bekeken ook Gerelateerde documenten Preview tekst Listening, speaking and vocabulary First impressions page 6 Unit 1 The way we are Vocabulary The art of beauty page 4 Grammar Appearance and survival page 5 Design to supply Head Unit and banner insight Intermediate Workbook answer key Writing An informal email page 10 Unit 1 Progress check page 11 Unit 2 Travellers’ tales Vocabulary The power of tourism page 12 Vocabulary and grammar British fashion page 7 Reading The maths of beauty pages 8– Unit 2 Progress check page 19 Listening, speaking and vocabulary Be a good sport! page 22 Unit 3 Feeling good Vocabulary Happiness page 20 Grammar Healthy bodies, healthy minds? page 21 Listening, speaking and vocabulary Making our voices heard page 30 Unit 4 A right to fight Vocabulary Disappearing worlds page 28 Grammar Action! page 29 Unit 5 Progress check page 43 Unit 6 Paying the price Vocabulary Word on the street page 44 Grammar Fair trade page 45 Listening, speaking and vocabulary How to spend it? page 46 Unit 6 Progress check page 51 Unit 7 The senses Vocabulary Taste page 52 Grammar Beyond human senses page 53 Listening, speaking and vocabulary Don’t shout, I can see! page 54 Unit 8 Progress check page 67 Unit 9 Progress check page 75 Unit 10 Creativity Vocabulary Art is everywhere page 76 Grammar Around the world in one dance page 77 Listening, speaking and vocabulary What’s the point of art? page 78 References

Workbook answers


Teaching English as a foreign language


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Leidse Onderwijsinstellingen

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insight Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Workbook answer key 1

Listening, speaking and

vocabulary First impressions page 6

Exercise 1

12 modest 3 lazy 4 stubborn 5

Exercise 2

1 emotional 2 assertive 3 shy 4 easy-going5 determined

Exercise 3 $ 2•
1 T

2 F: Ethan has seen the illusion before.3 F: Ethan says the old lady disappears completely when he can see the young woman.4 T

Audio script

Ethan Hey, Sarah, look at these optical illusions! My cousin hasjust emailed them to me. Have you seen any of them before?Sarah Cool! I haven’t seen all of these. What does it say aboutthem?Ethan For A it says ‘Are the lines straight and parallel?’Sarah They can’t be straight. They look as if they’re going upand down, and the bands are wider and narrower at the sides,so there’s no way they can be parallel.Ethan Well apparently it only appears that way. And you cantest it with a ruler.Sarah Wow! Look, they are parallel! That’s incredible!Ethan Oh, I’ve seen B before. They’re called the Penrose Stairs.Sarah Yes, the ones that look as if they’re going up and upforever. It looks so weird! You know it must be an illusion, but itlooks like the stairs really are going up!Ethan C is a new one to me. It just looks like an old lady. I can’tsee the illusion.Sarah Oh, I can see it. Take another look. Can you see anythingelse?Ethan Oh yeah! It could also be a young woman. That’s clever! Ilove the way that when you see one thing, the other disappearscompletely!Sarah Yes, that’s what happens with D. It could be a blackpicture on a white background, or it might be a white pictureon a black background. You see one, a glass, and then the other,two faces.Ethan It only seems like a black glass to me ... Oh, hang on, yes,I can see the two faces now. They look as if they’re staring ateach other.Sarah E is hurting my eyes! The dots between the squares lookwhite at first, and then they look black.Ethan Yes, and it looks as if they disappear completely as youmove your eyes around.Sarah What does it say about F?Ethan It says, ‘Which of the diagonal lines is longer?’Sarah The one on the left definitely looks longer – it must bequite a bit longer.Ethan No, they’re the same length!Sarah I don’t believe it, they can’t be. Where’s that ruler ...? Ohno, it’s true! That’s amazing!

Unit 1 The way we are

Vocabulary The art of beauty page 4

Exercise 1

1 overweight 2 handsome 3 trim 4 ugly5 beautiful 6 plump 7 elegant

Exercise 2

1 sun-tanned2 blonde-haired, blue-eyed3 short-sighted

4 middle-aged5 pale-skinned6 broad-shouldered

Exercise 3

1 dreadlocks 2 spiky hair 3 shaved head 4 curly hair5 A bun 6 plaits 7 A ponytail 8 a bob

Exercise 4

1 b 2 b 3 c 4 c 5 a 6 c 7 a 8 b

Exercise 5

Students’ own answers

Grammar Appearance and survival page 5

Exercise 1
1 PS 2 PC 3 PS 4 PC 5 PC 6 PS 7 PS 8 PC
Exercise 2

a 7 b 4 c 1 d 8 e 5 f 6 g 2 h 3

Exercise 3

1 Is she walking 5 Are they making2 ’m watching / am watching 6 ’re trying / are trying3 ’s / is 7 ’s biting / is biting4 ’s running / is running 8 don’t like

Exercise 4

1 work2 opens3 ’re closing / are closing4 am feeding5 want6 aren’t looking7 ’m keeping / am keeping8 are watching

9 ’m coming / am coming10 seem11 doesn’t live12 live13 don’t sleep14 Do you know15 do you think16 drink

Exercise 5

1 learn 2 are you travelling 3 believe 4 watch5 ’m doing / am doing 6 save up7 ’m eating / am eating

Exercise 6

Students’ own answers

Design to supply Head Unit and banner

insight Intermediate Workbook answer key

2 Workbook answer key insight Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press
Exercise 6

Students’ own answers

Writing An informal email page 10

Exercise 1

Punctuation: That’s my ... , it’s big, old and ...Spelling: sun-tanned, beautifulGrammar: I’m sending it to you now, we often playvolleyballWord order: I often go there, Are you studying hard?Vocabulary: Tell me if you like it, my brother plays really well

Exercise 2

1 David 2 Marc 3 Josef 4 Alex

Exercise 3

1 ’m writing / am writing 2 play3 ’m sending / am sending 4 ’m standing / am standing5 curly 6 hear

Unit 1 Progress check page 11


1 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 4 and 52 Use the context, understand a word through its different parts, use your own language3 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 4 and 5B4 a present simple b present continuous5 a present simple = always, every day, sometimesb present continuous = right now, at the moment, this weekC6 arrogant = thinking you are better and more important than others, assertive = expressing your opinions and feelings in a confident way7 Please refer to Student’s Book page 88 look, look like, look as ifD9 mod, hippie, punk, goth. For differences please refer to Student’s Book pages 10 and 1110 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 10 and 1111 consider = -ing, shall, choose, decide = infinitiveE12 Please refer to Student’s Book page 1213 am doing play (gr, ww), volleyball (sp)

Unit 2 Travellers’ tales

Vocabulary The power of tourism page 12

Exercise 1

1 destination 2 park 3 transport 4 package5 guide 6 resort 7 trap

Exercise 2

1 g 2 f 3 e 4 a 5 c 6 b 7 d

Exercise 4 $ 2•

1 can’t be 2 look as if 3 must be 4 looks like5 could also be 6 could be 7 might be 8 seems like9 look 10 must beSee exercise 3 for audio script.

Exercise 5

1 must 2 looks 3 can’t 4 looks 5 might 6 could7 looks like 8 look as if 9 could

Exercise 6

Students’ own answers

Vocabulary and grammar

British fashion page 7

Exercise 1

1 innovative 2 second-hand 3 vintage 4 designer5 original 6 stylish

Exercise 2

1 c 2 d 3 e 4 f 5 a 6 b

Exercise 3

1 a camisole top2 leggings

3 a polo shirt4 a print vest

Exercise 4

1 wearing 2 to wear 3 stealing 4 paying 5 to ban6 to see 7 dressing / to dress

Exercise 5

1 g 2 e 3 f 4 d 5 a 6 c 7 h 8 b

Exercise 6

Students’ own answers

Reading The maths of beauty pages 8–

Exercise 1

1 One picture is symmetrical (both sides of the face are the same), and one picture isn’t symmetrical2 Queen Nefertiti (photo C) and Angelina Jolie (photo D)3 Lines of symmetry

Exercise 2

1 asymmetrical 2 manipulated 3 numerous4 uneasy 5 developed 6 symmetrical 7 pleasing8 ideal 9 genes

Exercise 3

1 b 2 c 3 d 4 b 5 a

Exercise 4

1 height 2 width 3 length 4 symmetry5 attractiveness 6 power

Exercise 5

1 long 2 length 3 high, width 4 symmetrical5 powerful 6 attractiveness

4 Workbook answer key insight Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press
Exercise 3

1 The Winter Park opens after sunset.2 It is easier to cycle along the side of rivers because the roads are usually pretty flat.3 The Riverside Ride doesn’t have much environmental impact because you travel by bike / you don’t use cars or motorized vehicles.4 Angkor Wat was built quickly because it was built by thousands of unpaid slave workers.5 It is a good idea to get to Angkor Wat early to escape the crowds.6 In the evenings, people on the Grand Canyon holiday eat, play games and look up at the stars.

Exercise 4

1 rafts 2 slave 3 twinkling 4 pace 5 chilly6 roots 7 soppy

Exercise 5

Students’ own answers

Writing A story page 18

Exercise 1

a 2 b 1 c 5 d 4 e not used f 3 g not used

Exercise 2

1 the roads were beginning ... , I was backpacking ...2 I had just reached Barcelona ... , I hadn’t eaten much ...3 I went into a café ... , I bought a big bag of crisps ... , I looked for somewhere to sit ... , I found a seat ... , I sat down next to him ... , I drank some lemonade ...

Exercise 3

Will thought the man might be crazy because he tooksome of Will’s crisps and started eating them.

Exercise 4

The man had stared at Will angrily because Will had eatenthe man’s crisps instead of his own. Will hurried out of thecafé because he was embarrassed.

Exercise 5

1 A few seconds later 2 Just then 3 At first4 after a while 5 Eventually 6 That’s when

Exercise 6

1 e 2 c 3 a 4 d 5 b

Unit 2 Progress check page 19


1 Please refer to Student’s Book page 172 Please refer to Student’s Book page 173 a get off b escape c soak upB4 a past simple b past perfect c past continuous5 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 18 and 19

Audio script

Man I think we should try that new Japanese restaurant in town.They have really low tables and you sit on the floor!Woman That sounds interesting, but I don’t like Japanese food.Why don’t we go for an Indian?Man I’m not so sure about Indian food since I had that currythat was way too hot.Woman Well, try something different then! You won’t be sorry,I promise.Man Mmmm. I’m not convinced.Woman Look, if you come to the Indian restaurant, I’ll pay, soyou’ve got nothing to lose.Man OK, you’ve convinced me. And I’ll pay for ice creams inGelato Mio’s afterwards.Woman OK, let’s go for it!

Exercise 6

Students’ own answers

Vocabulary and grammar

America on the move page 15

Exercise 1

1 winds around 2 travelled down 3 cuts through4 drive along 5 connect to 6 lead to

Exercise 2

1 motorway 2 pier 3 buffet car 4 stand5 overhead lockers 6 go ashore 7 cruise 8 gate9 set sail 10 aisle

Exercise 3

1 used to have2 would often drive / often used to drive3 used to run / would run

4 didn’t use to travel5 used to have6 would sail / used to sail

Exercise 4

1 used to be2 used to use3 didn’t use to be4 would quickly collect5 used to make / would make6 used to make / would make7 used to have8 would often panic9 used to be

Exercise 5

Students’ own answers

Reading Unforgettable getaways pages 16–

Exercise 1

Students’ own answers

Exercise 2
1 A, B 2 A, C 3 B, D 4 A, D 5 A, D 6 B, C 7 A, C
8 A, D 9 B, D
insight Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Workbook answer key 5
Exercise 3

1 Did you watch Have you watched that video yet?2 I haven’t bought I didn’t buy any jeans on Saturday.3 We’ve lived We lived in New York for two years before my dad got a job here. / before We’ve lived in New York for two years since my dad got a job here.4 Did you ever go Have you ever been to Barcelona?56 Gina’s ridden Gina rode her horse every day last week.78 Did you ever see Have you ever seen a live football match?

Exercise 4

1 Have you tried2 Have you ever heard3 became4 has continued5 didn’t have6 couldn’t7 loved8 has now become9 started

10 released11 has sold12 have tried13 have all done14 had15 has ever tried16 Did I just do / Have I just done

Exercise 5

Students’ own answers

Listening, speaking and

vocabulary Be a good sport! page 22

Exercise 1

1 commitment 2 discipline 3 single-mindedness4 self-reliance 5 stamina 6 team spirit7 sportsmanship 8 self-esteem

Exercise 2

1 f 2 e 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 d

Exercise 3 $ 2•
1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 12
Audio script

Gemma Hello?Kate Gemma! You’ll never guess what!Gemma Kate! Is that you?Kate Yes. I’ve got some really good news!Gemma You’ve got onto the Olympic training programme?Kate Yes, they’ve just told me!Gemma Oh, that’s fantastic news, Kate! Well done!Kate I can’t really believe it. The standard was so high at thequalification weekend!Gemma Oh, come on Kate, you deserve it! You’ve spent most ofyour life in the pool!Kate I know, and I’m going to spend most of the next four yearsthere, too!Gemma That’s what you really want though, isn’t it? Oh, I’m reallypleased for you! And you’re going to be in the Olympics! I can’tbelieve it! How exciting!Kate Yes, but remember I haven’t won a medal yet!Gemma Oh, never mind that. Well done for getting this far! Oh,I’m so excited! I can’t wait to tell everyone!


6 voyage, flight7 An armchair traveller is someone who ‘explores’ the world by watching documentaries and reading articles online. A staycationer is someone who goes on holiday in their home country.8 Please refer to Student’s Book page 21D9 Please refer to Student’s Book page 2310 a lead to b drive along c head for11 a used to b would

E12 Please refer to Student’s Book page 2513 Please refer to Student’s Book page 25

Unit 3 Feeling good

Vocabulary Happiness page 20

Exercise 1

1 d 2 f 3 e 4 b 5 a 6 c

Exercise 2


necessarykindprosperoushappiness1 tiredness 2 happy 3 ability 4 generosity5 laziness 6 necessary 7 kind 8 prosperous

Exercise 3

1 e 2 d 3 f 4 a 5 c 6 b

Exercise 4

1 appalled 2 cross 3 devastated 4 ability5 happiness 6 necessity 7 kind 8 astonished

Exercise 5

Students’ own answers


Healthy bodies, healthy minds? page 21

Exercise 1

1 ran 2 became 3 have never beaten 4 taught5 has won 6 have / has played

Exercise 2

1 has been, for2 have already read3 haven’t told, yet4 Have (you) worked, this week5 has just left6 ’ve watched, since7 We’ve never swum

insight Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Workbook answer key 7
Exercise 2

1 are getting2 ’re going to start3 ’ll be4 aren’t going to use5 ’ll be

6 ’re meeting7 ’s going to be / ’ll be / will be8 ’ll be able to

Exercise 3

a 4, 8 b 5 c 2, 3 d 1, 6 e 7

Exercise 4

1 Are you coming2 ’ll be3 ’re going to take4 will understand5 ’re going to explain

6 are going to close7 is closing8 will use9 ’ll be able to

Exercise 5

Students’ own answers

Listening, speaking and


Making our voices heard page 30

Exercise 1

1 e 2 h 3 a 4 f 5 b 6 c 7 d 8 g

Exercise 2

Students’ own answers

Exercise 3


Exercise 4 $ 2•


Audio script

Diane You’re still on the computer! Are you working on yournew website?Jerry No, I’m trying to download a song. It’s really annoying thatso many of the file-sharing sites are being closed down!Diane If you ask me, it’s a good thing. It’s wrong to downloadstuff without paying for it.Jerry Oh, come on. What was your view on copying a CD for afriend, then? I know you used to do that.Diane Well, to tell you the truth, that was probably the wrong thingto do, too. But at least it was only one copy. Those file-sharing sitesare offering hundreds of thousands of illegal copies of things.Jerry It’s not the file-sharing sites’ problem in my opinion. Theydon’t know what files people are sharing on their sites. They’rejust offering a service.Diane Hmm. I’m not so sure about that! They’re making moneyout of people sharing files on their sites. And it’s pretty obviouswhat most of the files being downloaded are. Maybe they justdon’t want to know.Jerry Well as far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t do any harm.Someone has to buy copies in the first place, and you’re notstealing something when you make a copy of it.


5 a present perfect b past simpleBoth sentences describe a past experience but sentence a is general; sentence b talks about a specific time in the past.6 present perfectC7 a self-reliant b single-minded8 Please refer to Student’s Book page 349 Please refer to Student’s Book page 35D10 Please refer to Student’s Book page 3611 comfortably, quickly12 have been watching, has scoredE13 reason = since, because; purpose = so that, in order to14 Please refer to Student’s Book page 38

Unit 4 A right to fight

Vocabulary Disappearing worlds page 28

Exercise 1

1 relocate 2 contaminated 3 devastated4 washed away 5 preserve 6 evacuated 7 spread8 died out

Exercise 2

1 over 2 re 3 co- 4 inter 5 over 6 semi

Exercise 3

1 underpaid 2 rewritten 3 overrated 4 interaction6 overeducated

Exercise 4

1 d 2 f 3 b 4 g 5 h 6 a 7 c 8 e

Exercise 5

1 survive 2 global issues 3 Climate change4 drought 5 famine 6 flooding 7 relocate8 spread 9 disease 10 urbanization 11 overcrowded12 overspending 13 rethink 14 interacting

Exercise 6

Students’ own answers

Grammar Action! page 29

Exercise 1

1 A is comingB comes2 A are going to winB will win3 A ’ll seeB ’m going to see4 A ’m helpingB might help5 A ’m going to travelB ’m travelling

8 Workbook answer key insight Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

5 By 2050 the US will have become the largest Spanish- speaking country in the world.6 We won’t be living on other planets a hundred years from now.7 My sister won’t have paid off her student loan until twenty years after she finishes university.8 I’ll be waiting for you on the platform when the train arrives.

Exercise 4

1 will be shopping2 ’ll be handing out3 will be publicizing

4 ’ll have heard5 will have arrived6 ’ll be checking

Exercise 5

Students’ own answers


Global thoughts Only room for one? pages 32–

Exercises 1 and 2


Exercise 3
A O, 3 B O, 5 C O, 4 D F, 1 E S, 2
Exercise 4

1 c 2 d 3 a 4 c 5 b

Exercise 5

1 extreme weather events2 taboo3 rate4 doubled

5 overconsumption6 resources7 the lion’s share8 only children

Exercise 6

1 resources2 taboo3 rate, doubled4 Extreme weather events

5 overconsumption6 only children7 the lion’s share

Exercise 7

Students’ own answers

Writing An opinion essay page 34

Exercise 1

a, c

Exercise 2


Exercise 3

1 in my opinion2 The main argument against3 I am convinced that4 it’s also important to note that5 To my mind6 My final point is that

Diane Of course you are! It’s not called digital piracy for nothing!You’re stealing the profit that someone would make by sellinganother copy legally.Jerry But it’s not as if film and music companies don’t makeenough profit. Look at what they pay the actors and musicians!It’s ridiculous!Diane I agree with you about that, but there are lots of peopleworking in those industries who don’t get paid much. They’ll beout of a job if nobody pays for what they’re making.Jerry Hmm, I see what you’re saying, but I really don’t think it’sa problem.Diane Well, it could be a problem when people stop making somany films or computer games, or stop signing new bands. Iread that the countries with the most illegal music downloadsnow have the fewest new artists appearing on the music scene.Anyway, how is your new website going?Jerry Oh, it’s beginning to look really good. I paid someone toredesign the home page. Look. What do you reckon?Diane I think it’s fantastic. And I’m just wondering, how about Iupload that design and offer it for free to anyone who wants tocopy it?Jerry OK, OK. I take your point!

Exercise 5

a S b S c F d O e F f O

Exercise 6
A 2, 9 B 1, 3, 4, 6 C 5, 7, 8, 10
Exercise 7

d, f, a, e, b, c

Exercise 8

cheaper +more convenient +leads to shops closing –more choice +need to be at home when things arrive –can’t return things easily –Students’ own answers

Vocabulary and grammar

Make a difference page 31

Exercise 1

1 c 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 c 7 c 8 b

Exercise 2

1 competition 2 donors 3 participants 4 promote5 organize 6 distribution 7 campaigns

Exercise 3

1 With new technology, cars will be driving themselves before long.2 The number of people aged eighty will have doubled by 2020.3 People will soon be using mobile phones to pay for everything.4 In thirty years the world will have used up most of the remaining oil.

10 Workbook answer key insight Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Reading Prison! Me! No way! pages 40–

Exercise 1


Exercise 2

1 E, students2 D, films and TV dramas3 C, some young offenders4 B, prison5 A, the young offenders

Exercise 3

1 F: Prison officers visit the schools.2 T3 T4 F: 45% of the robberies in Nottinghamshire are committed by teenagers.5 T6 T

Exercise 4

1 ‘It feels a bit like being in prison.’2 long-term prisoners3 the young offender’s trainers4 the theft of the trainers5 prison6 the visits

Exercise 5

1 e, C 2 c, D 3 d, B 4 f, F 5 a, A 6 b, E

Exercise 6

1 long-term2 well-known3 one-day

4 mock-up5 role-play6 wake-up

Exercise 7

Students’ own answers

Writing A letter to a newspaper page 42

Exercise 1

1 should / ought to be able to2 should / ought to avoid3 shouldn’t / ought not to lie4 should / ought to unfriend5 shouldn’t / ought not to eat6 should / ought to know

Exercise 2

Students’ own answers

Exercise 3
Exercise 4
1 D 2 C 3 F 4 A 5 G 6 E

Dan I’m very sorry I’m late. The bus was full and I had to wait foranother one.Teacher I’m afraid that’s not good enough, Dan. That’s the thirdtime this week that you’ve been late. Sit down, and don’t let ithappen again.3Suzy Oh no! I’m so sorry, Gran! I’ve spilt my lemonade on the floor!Gran Don’t worry about it, Suzy. It won’t show on that darkbrown carpet. I’ll get you another glass.4TV announcer We’d like to apologize for the poor audio quality ofthat last programme.Dad I should think so too! I was looking forward to that, and Icould hardly understand parts of it.Simon Never mind. You can watch it again on your computer. Itmight be better on that.5Sarah Oh, I’m really sorry, Anne! I’ve forgotten to bring yourFrench dictionary back!Anne That’s OK. I haven’t got French today, so you can give itback to me tomorrow.6Dan I’m really sorry about all the noise this afternoon, Mr Tate.I had some friends round and one of them kept turning themusic up really loud.Mr Tate That’s quite all right, Dan. You’re pretty quiet normally, soa bit of loud music every now and then isn’t a problem.

Exercise 3 $ 2•

1 fault, mean to2 it happen again3 so sorry

4 Never mind5 really sorry6 ’m really sorry aboutSee exercise 2 for audio script.

Exercise 4

Students’ own answers

Exercise 5

Students’ own answers

Vocabulary and grammar

Young people’s rights page 39

Exercise 1

1 b 2 a 3 c 4 a 5 c 6 b

Exercise 2

1 c 2 e 3 b 4 f 5 a 6 d

Exercise 3

1 of 2 to 3 of 4 for 5 of 6 for 7 for 8 from9 to 10 to 11 from

Exercise 4

1 don’t have to / needn’t2 mustn’t / can’t / may not3 can / may

4 don’t have to / needn’t5 have to6 can / may

Exercise 5

Students’ own answers

insight Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Workbook answer key 11

Unit 5 Progress check page 43


1 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 56 and 572 her (Rachel’s), she (Rachel), her (Rachel’s), there (the new town)3 a shoplifter b vandal c mugger4 disrespect, misbehaviour, disbeliefB5 a first conditional b second conditionala describes a real situation; b describes an imaginary situation.C6 a fallen out with b live up to c put it down to7 Please refer to Student’s Book page 608 Please refer to Student’s Book page 61D9 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 62 and 6310 a just b optional c illegal11 We usually use must when the speaker has decided thatsomething is important and have to when someoneelse has decided this. However, in many situations, wecan use must and have to in the same way.E12 We use should and ought to when we want to say thatsomething is right or the best thing to do. They expressa mild obligation. Ought to is more formal than should.13 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 64 and 65

Unit 6 Paying the price

Vocabulary Word on the street page 44

Exercise 1

1 launch 2 trick 3 research 4 display 5 target6 promote

Exercise 2

1 offer 2 magazines 3 campaign 4 image5 samples 6 knowledge

Exercise 3

1 b 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 b 6 a 7 c 8 a

Exercise 4

1 Classified ads 2 persuade 3 displayed4 marketing campaign 5 luxury goods6 endorsem*nts 7 flyers 8 brand image 9 slogan10 billboards 11 jingles

Exercise 5

Students’ own answers

Grammar Fair trade page 45

Exercise 1

1 b 2 c 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 b

Exercise 2

1 Is this cheese made in the UK?2 No, that cheese was imported from Latvia.3 Why isn’t that stated on the packet?4 The rules are made by the Food Standards Agency.5 Well, I think shoppers are being tricked by this.

Exercise 3

1 will never be bitten2 were used3 will be flying4 had already been imported5 were still executing6 will be provided

Exercise 4

1 Most of Europe’s apples are grown on Polish farms nowadays.2 Fair trade isn’t (being) promoted enough around the world.3 Over twenty James Bond films have been made since 1962.4 Frankenstein was written by a nineteen-year-old girl called Mary Shelley.5 Refunds will only be given with a receipt.6 Small children were still being used to clean chimneys in the 1860s.

Exercise 5

1 being used 2 worked 3 had been used4 were employed 5 were paid 6 lasted7 were not permitted 8 brought9 had been transformed 10 were seen 11 are found12 will have been abolished

Exercise 6

Students’ own answers

Listening, speaking and

vocabulary How to spend it? page 46

Exercise 1

1 massive 2 vast 3 whopping 4 modest5 tiny minority 6 A significant

Exercise 2 $ 3• 01

Helen B Ed A

Audio script

Helen There’s quite a wide range of bikes to choose from thesedays, but I’ve never seen any quite as different as these two! BikeA looks fairly normal, whereas the other bike is quite unusual.Although I said that the first bike is more normal, it’s not the kindof bike I would choose – it’s a racing bike, with drop handlebars,and I don’t like those. On the other hand, I think a lot of myfriends would like it, because some of them are serious cyclists.I don’t think many of my friends would choose bike B, becauseit’s one of those folding bikes that people use when they go towork by train, so it’s no good for long distances. Nevertheless,it’s the one I prefer from these two. I’ve never seen a bike likethis before! It’s got a very modern design, and it looks like a

insight Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Workbook answer key 13
Exercise 3

The letter is informal.(Possible answers)I am writing to inform you that your birthday present wasreceived today. I just wanted to let you know that yourbirthday present has arrived.just what was needed just what I neededfurthermore its size is ideal it’s exactly the right sizeweekend excursions weekend tripsI look forward to speaking to you soon. Speak soon!Yours sincerely, Lots of love,

Exercise 4

1 Besides this, 2 Although 3 While 4 in addition5 To add to this, 6 However,

Unit 6 Progress check page 51


1 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 68 and 692 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 68 and 693 a knowledge b glossy magazine c brand imageB4 The passive is formed with the verb be + past participle of the main verb.We use the passive:

  • when we are more interested in the action than in the person who performs the action.
  • when we don’t know who performs the action, or when it is clear from the context who performs the action.5 a The beds are being made by Jim. b The exhibition had been seen by many people before it closed.C6 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 72 and 737 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 72 and 738 a timeD9 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 74 and 7510 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 74 and 7511 a someone has cut it for him (at his request)b he has cut it himselfE12 however, but13 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 76 and 77

Unit 7 The senses

Vocabulary Taste page 52

Exercise 1

1 c 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 b 6 a 7 b

Exercise 2

1 careful 2 beneficial 3 available 4 difficult5 tasteless 6 accepted 7 repulsive 8 convinced

Exercise 3

1 soft, moist 2 smooth, lumpy 3 crunchy 4 juicy5 runny, thick 6 chewy 7 crumbly

Exercise 4

1 widely available 2 consider 3 notice 4 realize5 oily 6 highly beneficial 7 creamy 8 smooth9 exceptionally careful 10 thick 11 runny

Grammar Beyond human senses page 53

Exercise 1

1 ‘I’ve never been there before.’2 ‘We’re travelling past my house.’3 ‘I’ll wear my new dress tomorrow.’4 ‘We’re late today, but we were early yesterday.’5 ‘I’d already left the house by the time you rang.’6 ‘I can help you with your homework if you’re having problems with it.’

Exercise 2

1 were still waiting2 had lost3 would send4 didn’t want5 had already spent

6 they had had7 couldn’t8 would pay9 was10 wanted

Exercise 3

1 promised to take me to the concert if I managed to get tickets2 agreed that the clock was running slow3 admitted that they’d charged us too much for the drinks4 pointed out that I couldn’t call Ellen because my phone didn’t have a signal5 explained that my password hadn’t worked because I hadn’t used any capital letters6 added that my grandmother had rung to ask if I was going to her house that night

Exercise 4

1 knew 2 had never wanted 3 had started4 was having 5 was feeling 6 could 7 would8 had dreamed 9 had died 10 had always thought11 sat 12 was coming

Exercise 5

Students’ own answers

Listening, speaking and

vocabulary Don’t shout, I can see! page 54

Exercise 1

1 A react reactionB23 impress impression4 confess confession5 A decide decisionB protection protect6 divide division78 connect connection

14 Workbook answer key insight Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press
Exercise 5

Students’ own answers

Vocabulary and grammar

A Walk in the Woods page 55

Exercise 1

1 to snore / snoring 2 whispering 3 blinking4 staring 5 peering 6 snuffling

Exercise 2

1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 b 6 c

Exercise 3 $ 3•

1 whispered 2 sighed 3 stammered 4 whined5 shouted 6 cheered

Audio script

Girl Shhh! Don’t let my dad hear that we’ve come outside!2Boy I’m never going to get all this work done by tomorrow!3Boy I-I-I’m really sorry that I’m late. It won’t happen again.4Girl It’s not fair! Why should I have to clean my room on aSaturday?5Boy Keep out of my bedroom!6Girl Come on, Simon, you can do it!

Exercise 4

1 She asked me what time the bus had left.2 Keira asked us why we were waiting there.3 The assistant asked me if I wanted a refund.4 Paul asked her whether he would need a password.5 Celia asked me if I could swim.6 My dad asked us what the policeman had said. / The policeman asked us what my dad had said.

Exercise 5

1 what music I was listening to2 not to go into the woods3 where the toilet was4 told me to eat more vegetables5 if / whether she could go to Gemma’s party on Saturday6 not to tell lies and to start telling the truth7 if / whether I had seen Brian that morning8 told us to forget about it

Exercise 6

Students’ own answers

Exercise 2 $ 3•

1 b 2 a 3 a

Audio script

Girl Excuse me, but when is the 9 train to Oxford coming?Station official It says on the information screen – it’s expected in20 minutes.Girl Yes, but the time on the information screen hasn’t changedfor over half an hour!Station official Well, I’m sorry, but we’re having problemsbecause of the heavy rain.Girl Fine, but can you please put on a replacement bus servicewhen this happens? I’m really not happy about waiting here fornearly an hour in the cold.Station official I’m afraid the replacement bus service stopped at9 o’clock. I’ll go and see if I can find out any more information onwhen the train will be here ...BBoy Excuse me!Assistant Yes, how can I help?Boy I’m afraid there’s a slight problem. I bought these trainershere yesterday, but when I got home I noticed that one trainerhas a small hole in it.Assistant I think those were in the sale. I’m afraid we can’t giverefunds on sale items.Boy I don’t think they were in the sale. Would you mind checking?Assistant Oh, yes, you’re right. They were on special offer, but notactually one of the sale items. Would you like a refund, then?Boy Could you exchange them? I really like them! Do you haveany more in stock?Assistant Would you mind waiting while I see if we’ve gotany more?Boy No, of course not.Assistant Yes, you’re in luck. Here’s the last pair.Boy Brilliant!CMrs Jenkins Hello, Eva!Eva Hi, Mrs Jenkins. I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m afraid I’vegot some more of your daughter’s letters.Mrs Jenkins Oh dear, not again!Eva Yes, Mr Jenkins said he’d spoken to the postman about it, andit stopped for a while, but these two are for Eva Jenkins, not me!Mrs Jenkins Oh, I am sorry. The postman must be confusedagain! I think it’s quite unusual for neighbours to have the samename. At least we haven’t had any more of your letters. Butif you see the postman, could you ask him again to be morecareful? We’re usually all out when he comes.Eva Yes, of course I will.Mrs Jenkins Thanks a lot, Eva. Bye!Eva Bye!

Exercise 3 $ 3•

1 c 2 b 3 cSee exercise 2 for audio script.

Exercise 4 $ 3•

1 Excuse me, but2 can you3 there’s a slight problem4 Would you mind

5 Could you6 Would you mind waiting7 I’m sorry to bother you8 could youSee exercise 2 for audio script.

16 Workbook answer key insight Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press
Audio script

Good afternoon. No, good morning! Today I’d like to talk to youabout mistakes! I’m going to look at why it’s impossible to avoidmaking them, and why they are useful. I’ll start by explainingwhy we’re afraid of making mistakes, and then look at how weneed to change the way we think about them. I’ll end withsome examples of successful mistakes.Let’s begin with a quote from Einstein. He said, ‘Anyone who hasnever made a mistake has never tried anything new.’ This showsthat mistakes are an important part of learning. So why are weso afraid of getting something wrong? It’s partly because wethink about it so much afterwards. To give you an example, if Imake one big mistake in this presentation, but get everythingelse right, what will I be thinking about later? Yes – I’ll bethinking, ‘If only I hadn’t done that!’A strong memory of a mistake can help us to avoid making itagain, but we mustn’t let it make us afraid of trying and failing.You have to know that it was a mistake and then let it go,remembering that you and the mistake are not the same thing.Moving on to learning a language, it’s important that you don’tlet the fear of making mistakes stop you from trying to speakit. You’ll only learn what a mistake is by making it and having itcorrected. We all know that a good way to stop worrying aboutour mistakes is to laugh at them, and language mistakes are agood opportunity to do this. Look at the pictures of what thesetwo errors mean.‘You’ve cut your hair!’‘There were very little students in the class.’Enjoy the mistakes, and use them to help you remember thatit’s ‘You’ve had your hair cut’ and ‘Very few students’!Now let’s look at some successful mistakes. The inventorThomas Edison knew that mistakes are part of finding the rightanswer, and said, ‘I haven’t failed. I’ve just found one thousandways that don’t work.’ To illustrate this point about mistakesbringing success, look at these inventions and discoveries:PenicillinChocolate chip cookiesCrispsX-raysChocolate chip cookies are clearly the most importantinvention, but what do they all have in common? Yes, they allhappened by mistake!So, to conclude, stop being afraid of getting things wrong! It justmeans that you’re human and trying to learn. And if possible,have a good laugh at your mistakes! Thank you for listening.

Exercise 5 $ 3•

1 Today I’d like to talk to you about mistakes!2 I’m going to look at why it’s impossible to avoid making them.3 I’ll start by explaining why we’re afraid of making mistakes.4 I’ll end with some examples of successful mistakes.5 Let’s begin with a quote from Einstein.6 Now let’s look at some successful mistakes.7 So, to conclude, stop being afraid of getting things wrong!See exercise 4 for audio script.

Exercise 6

Students’ own answers

Grammar If they hadn’t ... page 61

Exercise 1

1 late, got2 didn’t hear, didn’t stay3 listened, didn’t lose

4 got lost, was talking5 didn’t see, didn’t say

Exercise 2

1 had asked, would have said2 hadn’t made, would never have made3 would never have won / never would have won, hadn’t helped4 had observed, would never have got5 had had, would have written6 would have stayed, hadn’t won

Exercise 3

1 If only I hadn’t spent all my pocket money yesterday. I wish I could go to the cinema with you.2 If only we hadn’t bought cheap tickets. I wish the stage was / were closer.3 Carla wishes her laptop hadn’t crashed. If only it would connect to the internet.4 If only Josh hadn’t forgotten to bring his swimming trunks. He wishes he could go in the pool.5 I wish I hadn’t said that to Elke. If only she would forgive me.

Exercise 4

1 would have listened2 wouldn’t have spent3 had realized4 hadn’t compared5 had had

6 would have stopped7 had done8 I hadn’t studied9 would have found

Exercise 5

Students’ own answers

Listening, speaking and

vocabulary Important decisions page 62

Exercise 1

1 b, a 2 a, b 3 b, a 4 a, b 5 a, b

Exercise 2

1 beginning 2 speak 3 pictures 4 personal5 remind 6 allow

Exercise 3

1 In this presentation, my subject will be2 I’m going to look briefly at3 Let’s begin by4 To illustrate this point,5 Moving on to6 Finally, to sum up,

Exercise 4 $ 3•
A 2 B – C 3 D 1
insight Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Workbook answer key 17

Vocabulary and grammar

Do the right thing page 63

Exercise 1

1 discrimination 2 opposition 3 marched4 injustice 5 boycotting 6 struggle

Exercise 2
Exercise 3

1 can’t have done2 must have stopped3 might have gone

4 can’t have been5 must have forgotten

Exercise 4

1 must 2 could 3 might 4 can’t 5 may 6 could

Exercise 5

1 must have run out of 6 must have been taken2 can’t have crashed 7 could have crashed3 may have been working 8 may have survived4 must have caught and killed 9 could have been5 might have returned 10 must have belonged to

Exercise 6

Students’ own answers

Reading The name game page 64–

Exercise 1

Baker – baked breadCook – cooked foodCarpenter – made things out of woodGardner – worked with plantsSmith – made things out of iron or steelMiller – ground corn to make flour

Exercise 2

1 False 2 True 3 True

Exercise 3
A 3 B 2 C 5 D 1 E 4
Exercise 4

1 F: Names were only related to jobs lower down in society.2 T3 F: These connections often work across languages.4 NG5 F: We just think that people at the top of a list are more important.6 T7 T8 NG

Exercise 5

1 headline 2 coincidences 3 poles 4 dentist5 academics 6 feminine

Exercise 6

1 Pole 2 coincidence 3 dentist 4 feminine5 headlines 6 academic

Exercise 7

Students’ own answers

Writing A covering letter page 66

Exercise 1

1 c 2 e 3 f 4 b 5 a 6 d

Exercise 2

Students’ own answers

Exercise 3

1 I am writing to apply for2 Please find enclosed3 As you will see from the enclosed CV4 I believe that this will provide5 I have also coordinated6 All this experience has confirmed that7 would be available for interview

Exercise 4

assist – advisedevelop – designcoordinate – arrange

Exercise 5

1 designed 2 advised 3 developed 4 assisted5 design 6 assisted

Unit 8 Progress check page 67


1 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 94 and 952 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 94 and 953 a to have a lot on one’s plate b to be thrown in at the deep endB4 hadn’t gone, would have missed5 a I didn’t go to the concert but I wish I had b I’m not at the concert but I would like to be thereC6 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 98 and 997 Please refer to Student’s Book page 988 Don’t panic, use the words that you do know to help you, listen twice – once for general understanding, once for detail9 Please refer to Student’s Book page 99D10 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 100 and 10111 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 100 and 10112 must have, can’t have, might haveE13 synonyms of help: assist, advise; synonyms of organize:coordinate, arrange14 Use facts, dates and numbers; avoid quantifiers; givespecific examples of how your experience and skillsmatch the employer’s requirements

insight Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Workbook answer key 19

Lara Oh, thank you so much, Bobby. I couldn’t have done itwithout you!Bobby Yes, you could! But it is easier than looking in the manualwhen someone explains it!

Exercise 4

a 5 b 3 c 1 d 6 e 4 f 2

Exercise 5

Students’ own answers

Vocabulary and grammar

iPeople page 71

Exercise 1

1 book 2 disc 3 face 4 face 5 disc 6 book

Exercise 2

1 simile 2 rhythm 3 personification 4 metaphor5 rhyme 6 prose

Exercise 3

1 Apple, whose profits make it one of the richest companies in the world, continues to make the most popular smartphones.2 Ireland, which some people wrongly think is part of the UK, is part of the British Isles.3 Spain, where a lot of British people go to live when they retire, has a UK-born population of about a million people.4 Midsummer’s Day, when Scandinavian people have huge celebrations, comes between 21 and 24 June.5 Fruit juice, which a lot of people think is very healthy, is bad for your teeth if you drink too much of it.6 Ibiza, where all-night raves began in the 1980s, is still a popular holiday destination for young clubbers.7 Suzanne Collins, whose Hunger Games novels were made into films, wrote The Underland Chronicles.8 St Nicholas’s Day, when many children receive gifts, is on 6 December.

Exercise 4

1 needs more information23 needs more information45 needs more information6 needs more information7

Exercise 5

1 who d 2 , where f 3 which a 4 , when c5 where b 6 when g 7 , which e

Exercise 6

1 which g 2 where b 3 who d 4 which e5 which a 6 when f 7 whose cThe device is a book.

Exercise 7

Students’ own answers

Reading A hacker’s story: life without

the internet page 72–

Exercise 1


Exercise 2


Exercise 3

1 c 2 d 3 b 4 a

Exercise 4

(Possible answers)took down prevented from workingremote far from anywhere elseserene slow and calmattention span time someone is able to concentrate (here: ability to concentrate)fulfilled happier, more contentglued to attached to (because they spend so much time staring at their screens)extradited ordered to go to another country to go to court and face trial there

Exercise 5

1 remote 2 glued to 3 attention span 4 serene5 took down 6 fulfilled

Exercise 6

1 no comma necessary2 website, which3 passwords, which

4 2011, when5 no comma necessary6 US, where

Exercise 7

Students’ own answers

Writing A for and against essay page 74

Exercise 1

The essay is about calculatorsA for B against C against D for E for F against

Exercise 2

The advantages and disadvantages of using calculators1 D 2 E 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 F

Exercise 3

Students’ own answers

Exercise 4

1 ban 2 rely on 3 multiplication tables4 Nevertheless 5 claim

Unit 9 Progress check page 75


1 Please refer to Student’s Book pages 108 and 1092 open up, stick up for, get over, hit it off

20 Workbook answer key insight Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

3 a actually means ‘really’, currently means ‘at the moment’b sympathetic means ‘understanding of other people’s problems’, friendly means ‘pleasant and obliging’c latest means ‘most recent’, last means ‘final’B4 a whose b who, that c when5 Please refer to Student’s Book page 111C6 Please refer to Student’s Book page 1127 Please refer to Student’s Book page 1128 Please refer to Student’s Book page 113D9 Please refer to Student’s Book page 11510 Repetition, rhyme, using words with more than onemeaning11 face=the front part of your head OR to be oppositesomething, looking at itdisc=a round, flat object you put into a computer OR athing between the bones in your back12 which, who, where, whoseE13 It + passiveIt + passive with modal verbIt + is / seems + adjective14 Use introductory it, the passive, Some / other peopleclaim / believe / say / argue.

Unit 10 Creativity

Vocabulary Art is everywhere page 76

Exercise 1

1 genius 2 success 3 beauty 4 originality 5 style6 vision 7 mature 8 dedication

Exercise 2

1 pick and choose2 sick and tired3 far and wide

4 alive and kicking5 ups and downs6 trial and error

Exercise 3

Writing biographer, fiction, novelist, playwright, poetMusic recital, composer, aria, singerTheatre actor, playwrightArt carve, portrait, sketch, painter, draw, sculptor

Exercise 4

1 singer 2 novelist 3 biographer 4 playwright5 poet 6 sculptor

Exercise 5

Students’ own answers


Around the world in one dance page 77

Exercise 1

1 painted 2 filmed 3 working 4 written, called5 living 6 sung

Exercise 2

1 who worked2 who was obviously encouraged3 which was clearly written4 who lived5 who is studying6 which are enclosed7 who was speaking8 who is often criticized

Exercise 3

1 shown 2 performing 3 ending 4 decided5 attended 6 singing 7 winning 8 watched9 followed 10 won 11 doing

Exercise 4

Students’ own answers

Listening, speaking and

vocabulary What’s the point of art? page 78

Exercise 1

1 f 2 a 3 d 4 e 5 b 6 c

Exercise 2

Figurative art objects, people, recognizable, realAbstract art lines, colours, original, shapes

Exercise 3 $ 3•

Ela abstractJo figurativeBen figurativeDan abstract

Audio script

Teacher OK, today’s debate is about which is the most creativetype of art – abstract art, using shapes and colours rather thananything we recognize in our everyday world, or figurativeart, showing people and objects in ways that make themrecognizable. Who’s going to start the ball rolling? Do you haveanything to say in favour of abstract art, Ela?Ela Yes, I think abstract is the most creative type of art. Art isn’tsupposed to try and make a direct copy of the world – we cando that with photographs now. It should express a vision in acompletely original way, and that’s what abstract art does.Jo Sorry to interrupt ...Teacher That’s OK, go ahead, Jo.Jo Well, I feel quite strongly about this, and I totally disagreewith Ela. It’s true that art shouldn’t copy the world, but it shouldshow us the things we see in everyday life in a different way. Itcan’t do that if it’s completely abstract.Teacher Would you like to add anything to that, Ben?Ben Yes. I think Jo is absolutely right. I can stand in front of anabstract painting and not get anything out of it, because I haveno idea what it’s supposed to be about. How can that be agood thing, if someone has to explain to me what it means?Dan Can I add something to that?Teacher Please do. Do you agree with Ben?Dan Well, not really. I wanted to say that that’s not always thecase, that you don’t get anything out of it if you don’t knowwhat a painting is about. You can just enjoy shapes, lines

Insightintermediateworkbookanswerkey - insight Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press - Studeersnel (2024)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

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Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.