Who Are The Actors On The Cosentyx Commercial (2024)

1. COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Gary: Journey' - iSpot.tv

  • Sep 19, 2023 · COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Gary: Journey'. Get Free Access to the Data Below for 10 Ads!

  • COSENTYX is a prescription medication intended to treat psoriasis in adults. For those unable to afford their medication, COSENTYX Connect may be able to provide financial help.

COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Gary: Journey' - iSpot.tv

2. Who Are The Actors In The Cosentyx Commercial

  • 4. One of the actors in the Cosentyx commercial is Michael Shanks. Shanks is a versatile actor known for his work in both television and film. He is best known ...

  • [ad_1] The Cosentyx commercial has been captivating audiences with its powerful message of hope and healing for those suffering from psoriasis and other chronic skin conditions. But who are the actors behind these compelling portrayals? In this article, we will take a closer look at the talented individuals who bring these characters to life on screen, along with some interesting facts about them.

3. COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Stops Further Joint Damage' Featuring Cyndi ...

  • Oct 9, 2023 · Check out COSENTYX (Psoriatic Arthritis)'s 60 second TV commercial, 'Stops Further Joint Damage' from the Rx: Osteoporosis & Arthritis industry.

  • Check out COSENTYX (Psoriatic Arthritis)'s 60 second TV commercial, 'Stops Further Joint Damage' from the Rx: Osteoporosis & Arthritis industry. Keep an eye on this page to learn about the songs, characters, and celebrities appearing in this TV commercial. Share it with friends, then discover more great TV commercials on iSpot.tv

COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Stops Further Joint Damage' Featuring Cyndi ...

4. COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Years' Featuring Cyndi Lauper - iSpot.tv

COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Years' Featuring Cyndi Lauper - iSpot.tv

5. COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Watch Me: Gary, Tina and Jordan' - iSpot.tv

  • Duration: 1:00Posted: Oct 5, 2021

  • COSENTYX is a prescription medication designed to treat symptoms related to psoriatic arthritis, including joint pain, joint swelling and back pain.

COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Watch Me: Gary, Tina and Jordan' - iSpot.tv

6. COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Enough' Featuring Cyndi Lauper - iSpot.tv

  • Dec 17, 2021 · There's a Better Way to Measure TV & Streaming Ad ROI · COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Enough' Featuring Cyndi Lauper - Thumbnail 1 · COSENTYX TV Spot, ' ...

  • COSENTYX is a prescription medication intended to treat psoriasis in adults. For those unable to afford their medication, COSENTYX Connect may be able to provide financial help.

COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Enough' Featuring Cyndi Lauper - iSpot.tv

7. COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Gary' - iSpot.tv

  • Oct 30, 2019 · There's a Better Way to Measure TV & Streaming Ad ROI · More COSENTYX (Psoriasis) Commercials. COSENTYX Connect TV Spot, \'Accessible and ...

  • Gary's psoriasis was so bad that it covered him from head to toe and even had people think his skin condition was contagious. Cosentyx is a prescribed medical injection that is intended to treat adults who suffer from moderate to severe plaque psoriasis when taken regularly as prescribed.

COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Gary' - iSpot.tv

8. DTC in Perspective: Cyndi Lauper and Cosentyx

  • Jul 31, 2017 · In this Cosentyx ad, however, Cyndi Lauper comes across as sincere and believable. She is one of three psoriasis sufferers in the vignette ad ...

  • The Novartis psoriasis drug Cosentyx has taken an interesting approach on use of a celebrity. Rather than have a celebrity alone plug a drug this new ad mixes Cyndi with regular folks. It makes her seem like just another psoriasis sufferer who happens to be a famous pop star rather than the celebrity spokesperson for […]

DTC in Perspective: Cyndi Lauper and Cosentyx

9. COSENTYX TV Spot, 'People Would Stare' Featuring Cyndi Lauper

  • COSENTYX is a prescription-only drug for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Published: November 12, 2019. Advertiser: COSENTYX (Psoriasis).

  • As people with psoriasis, including Cyndi Lauper, share their stories, COSENTYX claims that real people with the condition look and feel better after using its product. COSENTYX is a prescription-only drug for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

COSENTYX TV Spot, 'People Would Stare' Featuring Cyndi Lauper

10. COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Kind of a Shock: LauraLee' - iSpot.tv

  • Oct 29, 2019 · There's a Better Way to Measure TV & Streaming Ad ROI · More COSENTYX (Psoriasis) Commercials. COSENTYX Connect TV Spot, \'Accessible and ...

  • LauraLee suffered with psoriasis for so long that it was almost a shock to her when COSENTYX helped alleviate her symptoms and kept her clear for five years.COSENTYX invites you to review the side effects and then consult with your dermatologist to see if this treatment works for you.

COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Kind of a Shock: LauraLee' - iSpot.tv

11. COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Four Years and Counting' - iSpot.tv

  • Dec 10, 2019 · There's a Better Way to Measure TV & Streaming Ad ROI · More COSENTYX (Psoriatic Arthritis) Commercials. COSENTYX TV Spot, \'Gary: Journey\'.

  • Cosentyx is a prescribed medication that is intended to treat those who have been diagnosed with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis when taken regularly as ordered.

COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Four Years and Counting' - iSpot.tv

12. Who are the actors in the Humira commercial? - Drugs.com

  • Sep 14, 2022 · Flavia Watson is the singer on the Humira commercial “Not always where I need to be” released July 16, 2018. She is of South American and ...

  • Official answer: Flavia Watson is the singer on the Humira commercial “Not always where I need to be” released July 16...

Who are the actors in the Humira commercial? - Drugs.com

13. COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Watch Me' - iSpot.tv

  • Duration: 1:00Posted: Oct 2, 2017

  • Individuals living with psoriatic arthritis say "watch me" and challenge the notion of it getting in the way of daily life. Whether its ballet dancing, arcade games or simply making a sandwich, some living with the condition claim that Consentyx has helped clear their skin and relieve joint pain.

COSENTYX TV Spot, 'Watch Me' - iSpot.tv
Who Are The Actors On The Cosentyx Commercial (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.